Organizational Culture is the Key to Break The Bias



On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2022, Ms. Kala V., the first ever woman Company Secretary of Bharat Petroleum, shares a few memorable contours of her life, her professional journey at Bharat Petroleum as well as gender neutrality and women’s empowerment.


One of the fondest memories of my childhood is how I looked at the sky and imagined what it would feel like to float and rise into the clouds and beyond. The thought appealed to my sense of wonder so intensely that I even dreamt about it several times! And although I thought that dreams were dreams, that sweet enchanting feeling lingered on and continued to inspire me in my later years as a grown-up person. That fantastic dream was fulfilled in a way when I scaled a major summit of my profession as Company Secretary at Bharat Petroleum

Break the bias

A memorable welcome!

For each of us, there comes a moment in our journey that overwhelms us emotionally. For me, this was on my first day at Bharat Petroleum. It is an old organization and they must be having various distinct hierarchies, and how I would be able to manage, I thought. But when the HR took me to my office, I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was decorated with balloons and other colourful welcome stuff, and the people were so warm. What a memorable day it was! I instantly knew that I could start on a firm footing in this organization.

Organizational experience at BPCL

Mumbai and Bharat Petroleum have been very kind to me, so I have flourished here in the last two years. It has been a beautiful and fulfilling journey for me at BPCL, which has helped me in shaping my approach towards other fellow women employees in the organization in a more empathetic way. I can emphatically say that BPCL is a very gender-neutral organization, and very inclusive.

BPCL has seen many women before me breaking the proverbial glass ceiling. The two names that come to my mind immediately are Sujata Chougule and Dipti Sanzgiri. They have actually played a very great role in the organization. Thus, people here are used to having women leaders and working with them on equal footing. So, it’s been a very nice and smooth journey for me, and I find the workplace to be very fair.

On breaking the bias

I have worked in about half a dozen organizations before BPCL, some in private sector and some in public sector and I have realized, over a period of time, that it is the culture which actually determines the success of an organization. It is also the key factor to #BreakTheBias – for gender neutrality and women’s empowerment. Sometimes, we feel it is the skillset, it is the intelligence, it is the expertise which takes the organization on an upward path. But then, at the end of the day, unless the right culture is there, companies will unable to retain the good resources. An unbiased workplace creates a work atmosphere free from any burden of anxiety related to the gender. So, I would say that at BPCL, I have never experienced any discrimination or a bias, which has helped me in executing my role without any anxiety. I feel that that barriers are not outside; they are within ourselves. Everything starts from our thoughts; which translates into action and actions translate into our character. So, if we can break the barrier in our thought process, then we can achieve whatever we want in our life.

On her role and the importance of empathy

Company Secretary position is a an important element in the board process, as we bring together different people, different minds and facilitate great decisions. Women are naturally endowed with that kind of mindset, as we are exactly suited for this role. So, I would definitely advocate women to take up this profession, not only for their good but also for the good of the organization, where they can do a lot of value addition.

My role requires empathy; it requires understanding of the decision requirements and urgency. It also requires networking with other companies officials and engaging with board members. As a woman, I think we have the special advantage that we are generally more empathetic. That’s our God-given gift. That’s the way we are made. And I would even go so far as to say that women are genetically inclined to be more understanding, which endows us with more patience. I consider these attributes as significant advantages which have helped me in my role as the Company Secretory.

Women Shakti

Women are powerful. They are an integral element of every organization and the society at large. And they can make a lot of contribution to our culture and organizational performance.

How fast one can grow depends on her attitude and also a lot on what she reads and what she spend her time on. So, listening to inspiring speeches and learning something new every day will empower everyone make one strong enough not to give up. So, it’s a question of training oneself, to not give up and keep advancing upwards on the ladder of success. And, on this International Women’s Day, I wish all of them a beautiful journey.