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Lodging Complaint

  • Complaints can be lodged only against employees of BPCL, its subsidiaries and matter related to BPCL & its subsidiaries.
  • The Vigilance Department deals mainly with matters related to corruption and matters having ‘Vigilance Angle.’ The complaints are handled as per the complaint handling policy stipulated in the Vigilance Manual (updated 2021) (Content is in English) of the Central Vigilance Commission.
  • The complainants should lodge complaints only regarding issues having vigilance angle and which are not part of any litigation in any courts, tribunals, etc., i.e. the matter should not be sub-judice.
  • Complaints pertaining to Retail outlet, LPG Distributorship, etc. which is purely regarding grievance on the services provided by BPCL channel partners and without any vigilance angle will not be entertained.
  • Complaints must be brief and contain factual details, verifiable facts, and related documents. They should not be vague or contain sweeping general allegations.
  • While complaints against tenders may be investigated, it would not interfere in the tender process.
  • The complaint having administrative issues will be forwarded to respective designated authority as applicable, for necessary action.
  • Withdrawal of complaint is not permitted. Action once initiated, the complaint will be taken to its logical conclusion irrespective of the complainant's request for withdrawal of complaint.

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Complaint Related to Vigilance