
About the audit team
The Bharat Petroleum Internal Audit provides an Independent Assurance on Internal Controls, Risk Management, Governance and Operational effectiveness of various Internal Processes.

The department looks beyond financial risks and statements and covers a wide range of issues concerning the organisation thereby adding value to the business. The process of audit evaluation and audit management improves the effectiveness of overall governance including compliance.

The department functions through professionally qualified CAs, Engineers and Business Managers. All departments and functions in the organisation are periodically audited based on the assessment of risk.

With the optimum use of technology, we keep pace with rapid changes in the business environment. We evolve and benchmark core activities of risk rating, dynamic compliance monitoring, superior data analytics, sampling techniques, efficient Audit Management System etc.


Our endeavour is:

  1. Delivering consistent, seamless and high-quality assurance to the organization
  2. Be recognized as the catalyst for strengthening the organization's control performance and control environment.
  3. Drive a highly motivated and engaged workforce.


The audit process uses powerful technological tools to benchmark core activities including but not limited to:

  1. Superior data analytics
  2. Sampling processes
  3. Monitoring consistency
  4. Risk rating
  5. Efficient Audit Management


The main objectives of BPCL Internal Audit are - 

  • Maintaining consistent and uninterrupted quality levels in all organisational practices.
  • Catalysing the strengthening of the organisation's control performance and environment.
  • Engaging and motivating the workforce towards excellence.