MAK Fleet CI4 Plus


High performance heavy duty diesel engine oil for heavy duty trucks, buses, LCVs and SUVs

MAK FLEET CI4+ 15W-40 is developed to meet the stringent lubrication requirements of the modern BS IV heavy duty diesel engines. It is highly effective in the corrosive environment of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR). Shear stable performance helps maintain oil viscosity, handle higher soot level and protect engine parts against wear and corrosion.

  • MB 228.3
  • Volvo VDS-3
  • ACEA E7
  • Cummins 20078
  • MAK FLEET CI4+ 15W-40 is recommended for new generation BS IV heavy duty trucks, buses, LCVs and SUVs equipped with modern engine technologies and EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) system.
  • This oil will provide better performance in BS II or BS III vehicles fitted with turbo-charged non-EGR engines. For oil drain interval, refer OEM’s recommendation.
  • Demonstrate excellent piston deposit protection in extended field trial
  • Prevent excessive viscosity increase and filter plugging under heavy soot loading due to EGR
  • Exceptional capability to handle higher soot content and control oil thickening which increases oil filter life
Properties KV@100 °C VI Flash Point °C (COC) Pour Point °C
Typical value 14.20 140 232 -24