BPCL Mumbai Oil Gas Refinery products pattern snapshot

Description Unit 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 1999-2000
Crude Intake (Actual) TMT 8757 8711 8770 8663 8904
Crude Intake (MOU) TMT 8650 8650 8770 8600 8100
Total Distillates (Actual) % WT 76.50 77.40 76.60 76.60 81.10
Total Distillates (MOU) % WT 74.53 76.35 76.30 76.30 81.20
Fuel & Loss (Actual) % WT 6.1 5.90 5.88 5.85 5.56
Fuel & Loss (MOU) % WT 5.98 5.90 5.90 6.00 5.70

Product Processes

Product Processes

Production and Evacuation Link (Infrastructure)

Production and Evacuation Link (Infrastructure)

Product Intake/Production-Actual

  2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 1999-2000
Crude oil Processed (TMT)
Imported 4543 3230 3587 2743 2546
Indigenous 4214 5481 5183 5919 6323
Total 8757 8711 8770 8662 8869
Production ('000MT)
Light Distillates  
Naptha 1106 1072 1085 1111 1118
LPG 367 377 353 365 341
Motor Spirit 859 883 856 847 791
Special Boiling Point Spirit /Hexane 30 31 35 45 45
Benzene 43 70 56 75 76
Toluene 13 20 17 16 20
Polypropylene Feedstock 16 7 4 4 3
Others 24 25 21 19 20
Sub Total 2458 2485 2427 2482 2414
Middle distillates
Aviation Turbine Fuel 336 298 279 224 219
Superior Kerosene Oil 762 807 811 766 610
High Speed Diesel 2746 2824 2938 2919 3547
Light Diesel Oil 132 199 112 128 99
Mineral Turpentine Oil 92 105 94 97 124
Sub Total 4068 4233 4234 4134 4599
Heavy Ends
Furnace Oil 990 608 649 707 566
Low Sulphur Heavy Stock 465 534 615 585 580
Bitumen 278 361 354 295 274
Sub Total 1733 1503 1618 1587 1420
Grand Total 8259 8221 8279 8203 8433