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creating sports ambassadors in the region
Bina Refinery, Sports intervention is executed right from grass root level (like identification, grooming & providing platform to players) to displaying commendable performance (winning/participation of players at State/National level) and bringing social change (gender parity & empowerment). More girl’s enrolment and giving creditable performance has established gender parity and empowerment. We believe in creating sports ambassadors in the region.
(An initiative to bring Gender Parity and Social Change in nearby villages through Promotion of Rural Sports). The initiative is one of the flagship programs of Bina Refinery. Providing regular training in games of Wrestling, Chess, Athletics & Kabbadi to children from nearby villages. Till date, around 1000 players have competed at National/State/Division/District/Block level and 600 won at different levels. 5 players have played at National level and 3 players have been selected at Madhya Pradesh Sports Athletics Academy, Bhopal.
Regular training has transformed in the lives of children especially girls who have explored their potential to excel in sports and games in addition to studies.
The parents have also changed their views about their daughters who can now wear men-type sporting clothes, travel outside with the coaches and also engage in the sports which are traditionally considered to be for men. Gender equality is on the fore due to participation in sports.