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About RTI Act

We, at BPCL, are committed towards Transparency, Accountability, and Good Governance. With increasing levels of awareness, there has been a significant growth in the demand for information by citizens in the last twelve years.
Rejection of the “requested information” has consistently shown a decreasing trend, no. of requests/appeals before CPIOs and AAs have reduced in numbers. As per Section 4 (1) (b) of the Act Suo Moto disclosure we have been working towards the quality of voluntary disclosure so that the information seeker gets the desired information without even filing an RTI application. We must be proactive and voluntarily put information in the public domain for the use of citizens.
Initially, we started with a single window by appointing one CPIO and one Appellate Authority for the country. We now have 49 CPIOs and 12 Appellate Authorities for providing prompt and quality replies to RTI Information within the stipulated period of 30 days
Sharing information with the public about our activities is a continuous process because we believe that this would reduce the public demand for information on one hand, and create a sense of trust in BPCL, on the other. Thus, helping us enhance the Corporate Brand Equity.
With the RTI Act coming into force in the year 2005, it has now evolved as an effective law to empower people of this country with information sought by them in an effort to ensure transparency in all walks of public life. Additionally, ED Corporate Marketing has been appointed as Transparency Officer for effective implementation of provisions of the RTI Act.